10 Years…Time to Celebrate!

September 20, 2018

Wow, it has been 10 years! I can’t believe it. I remember like it was yesterday…taking a huge leap of faith, quitting my job, and sitting in my spare bedroom wondering how this was all going to work! And here I am, 10 years later and still going strong!

It has truly been a journey filled with triumphs and challenges. Even as I sit down to write this blog I am asking myself…What can I say about my journey over these years?  If I could go back and talk to myself 10 years ago, what would I say? What advice would I give?  So I have taken some time to reflect and look back over my 10 years of running this business and here is what I would say…

  1. It’s okay not to have all the answers. You don’t have to know everything, but you do need to know how to find the answers. Surround yourself with those who can be a resource and support for you and be open to asking for help.
  2. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Starting this business will often force you out of your comfort zone which will be a positive thing.  You will learn so much and gain a new level of confidence.  This will allow you to grow in both your professional and personal life!
  3. Failure is a learning opportunity. There will be times when you have failed.  Change the way you view these moments and look at them as an opportunity to learn.  We grow by learning from our mistakes!
  4. Follow your gut! Stay true to your core values…your faith. God has put you here for a reason and He will never steer you wrong.  Focus on Him and everything else will fall into place!
  5. Celebrate the wins…even the small ones. Make sure you take the time to enjoy all the moments of this journey.  Make sure to celebrate all your successes and recognize the milestones, no matter how small they may be. And when times are difficult you can use these moments to get you through.
  6. Don’t be afraid to Try! When you get new ideas or come across something new you want to implement, don’t be afraid to go for it. If you don’t try, you will never know.  After all, it could turn out to be something great!
  7. Continue to learn and grow. Never stop learning!
  8. Share your knowledge with others. Always be open to being a resource for others that may be on a similar journey.  Share what you have learned and experienced.
  9. It is okay to be nervous! You are moving into something new so it is reasonable to be nervous.  Just don’t allow the nerves to take you off your path.  Remember fake it until you make it!
  10. The road will not always be straight, but it is the right one!

To say that I have learned a lot over these 10 years would be an understatement.  I have truly enjoyed my journey thus far and would not change a thing.  Every experience both good and bad has gotten me to this point.  I am looking forward to what the next 10 years will bring and can’t wait to share this journey with all of you!

“Kesha Jones understands the details, and takes a strategic approach to the big picture, the whole structure: she can help you architect your growth and your success.”

Celeste Amato - Executive Director, Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers