Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should!

May 1, 2018

Helpful Tip: Always be mindful of how much you put on your plate and take on!

Being in business for yourself, it’s easy to be all about the hustle.  We get excited about each opportunity that comes our way and eager to jump right into it. But have you sat in a meeting with a prospective client and thought to yourself…

Yes, I can do this. I have the skill set. But then you hear this little voice whispering…” hmmm, this project or client may not be the best fit”? 

I definitely have!

Sometimes we ignore this voice and we move forward anyway. Then during the course of the work, you realize that it wasn’t the best decision to take it on and you should have listened to your inner voice (your gut)!

We’ve all been in these sticky situations. Trust me, you’re not alone!  Sometimes we have to learn the hard way. For me, I worked hard to build a business and reached a lot of my goals that I had set forth in my company. About 3 years ago, I had established a pretty aggressive revenue goal. However, I was working like a crazy person…juggling my personal and professional life, and taking on projects that I knew were not the best fit. It wasn’t until I was faced with a major health scare, which forced me to be still, that I evaluated what I was doing. I realized that I was so focused on my financial goal that I lost sight of the big picture.   It made me step back and reflect on what I wanted to do with my business and life as a whole.

For me, I realized that my vision for the company had to be in line with my personal vision. So I realigned my vision for the company, revamped the services I wanted to provide, and refocused on the market I wanted to serve.   Now I have a clear picture and I am able to say ‘No’ to those projects that are not a good fit!

My advice to anyone in business for themselves is to always keep the end goal and vision first, and make decisions that will support this.  My new motto is…Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should!

“Kesha Jones understands the details, and takes a strategic approach to the big picture, the whole structure: she can help you architect your growth and your success.”

Celeste Amato - Executive Director, Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers